from fastcore.test import *
Gaussian Distributions
import altair as alt
Normal Parameters
import torch
ListNormal.detach ()
Detach both mean and cov at once
= ListNormal(torch.rand(10), torch.rand(10)) ln
5] ln[
Normal(mean=tensor(0.2285), std=tensor(0.9300))
Multivariate Normal
ListMultiNormal.detach ()
Detach both mean and cov at once
2,10), torch.rand(2,10,10))[1] ListMNormal(torch.rand(
MultiNormal(mean=tensor([0.0076, 0.7078, 0.1849, 0.8875, 0.0598, 0.5685, 0.9130, 0.4167, 0.7761,
0.8239]), cov=tensor([[0.5052, 0.1173, 0.9735, 0.2103, 0.6431, 0.2104, 0.4656, 0.0827, 0.1011,
[0.3806, 0.4621, 0.5505, 0.0553, 0.1300, 0.3820, 0.2128, 0.1168, 0.1066,
[0.3908, 0.8341, 0.5620, 0.8415, 0.5727, 0.3466, 0.1083, 0.6935, 0.1600,
[0.4332, 0.6150, 0.0203, 0.4674, 0.6139, 0.7792, 0.4534, 0.4927, 0.2141,
[0.5573, 0.6323, 0.8267, 0.7420, 0.7631, 0.2128, 0.1779, 0.7642, 0.0040,
[0.2587, 0.3077, 0.2753, 0.3718, 0.1282, 0.9497, 0.7606, 0.3450, 0.7562,
[0.4206, 0.1561, 0.3089, 0.5148, 0.9883, 0.3910, 0.0613, 0.1449, 0.1414,
[0.9216, 0.2119, 0.9350, 0.4848, 0.3025, 0.9027, 0.3520, 0.2612, 0.6861,
[0.3255, 0.7473, 0.8152, 0.7568, 0.3317, 0.2959, 0.8844, 0.4175, 0.2749,
[0.8556, 0.1053, 0.9823, 0.1468, 0.9170, 0.9112, 0.8187, 0.6592, 0.1459,
Positive Definite
The covariance matrices need to be positive definite Those are utilities functions to check is a matrix is positive definite and to make any matrix positive definite
Other libraries
Most libraries that implement Kalman Filters use manually specified parameters, which often don’t have the issue of the positive definite constraint (eg. pykalman
From statsmodels
statespace models: >Cholesky decomposition […] requires that the matrix be positive definite. While this should generally be true, it may not be in every case. source
which seems to mean that they take into account the fact that during the filter calculations may not be positive definite
= torch.rand(2,3,3) # batched random matrix used for testing A
is_symmetric (value, atol=1e-05)
tensor([False, False])
symmetric_upto_batched (value, start=-8)
symmetric_upto (value, start=-8)
tensor([0, 0])
is posdef
Default pytorch check (uses symmetry + cholesky decomposition)
is_posdef (cov)
tensor([False, False])
check if it is pos definite using eigenvalues. Positive definite matrix have all positive eigenvalues
tensor([[0.1633, 0.4556, 1.0072],
[0.0982, 0.3418, 1.7830]])
is_posdef_eigv (cov)
(tensor([True, True]),
tensor([[0.1633, 0.4556, 1.0072],
[0.0982, 0.3418, 1.7830]]))
Note that is_posdef
and is_posdef_eigv
can return different values, in general is_posdef_eigv
is more tollerant
Pytorch constraint
transform any matrix \(A\) into a positive definite matrix (\(PD\)) using the following formula
\(PD = AA^T + aI\)
where \(AA^T\) is a positive semi-definite matrix and \(a\) is a small positive number that is added on the diagonal to ensure that the resulting matrix is positive definite (not semi-definite)
the inverse transformation uses cholesky decomposition
Another approach would be to multiple to lower triangular matrix, but they’d require a positive diagonal, which is harderd to obtain see
The API inspired by gpytorch constraints
from meteo_imp.utils import *
inv_softplus (x)
batch_diag_embed (x)
batch_diag_scatter (input, src)
batch_diagonal (x)
PosDef (min_diag:float=1e-05)
Positive Definite Constraint for PyTorch parameters
Type | Default | Details | |
min_diag | float | 1e-05 | min value for diagonal to ensure num stability |
= PosDef()
= constraint.transform(A) posdef
= torch.randn(2, 3,3)
A = constraint.transform_triangular(A)
triang = constraint.transform_pos_diag(triang)
p_diag = constraint.transform_cho_factor(A)
cho_fact = constraint.transform(A)
posdef show_as_row(A, triang, p_diag, cho_fact, posdef)
tensor([[[-0.0246, 0.4967, 0.1831], [-1.5187, 0.5129, -0.9096], [ 1.9180, 0.8267, -0.9243]], [[-0.1214, -0.5275, 0.6791], [ 0.0395, 1.2408, 1.2185], [-0.9288, -0.0625, -0.1523]]])
tensor([[[-0.0246, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-1.5187, 0.5129, 0.0000], [ 1.9180, 0.8267, -0.9243]], [[-0.1214, 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0395, 1.2408, 0.0000], [-0.9288, -0.0625, -0.1523]]])
tensor([[[ 0.6809, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-1.5187, 0.9821, 0.0000], [ 1.9180, 0.8267, 0.3342]], [[ 0.6343, 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0395, 1.4948, 0.0000], [-0.9288, -0.0625, 0.6199]]])
tensor([[[ 0.6809, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-1.5187, 0.9821, 0.0000], [ 1.9180, 0.8267, 0.3342]], [[ 0.6343, 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0395, 1.4948, 0.0000], [-0.9288, -0.0625, 0.6199]]])
tensor([[[ 0.4637, -1.0342, 1.3060], [-1.0342, 3.2711, -2.1010], [ 1.3060, -2.1010, 4.4736]], [[ 0.4024, 0.0250, -0.5892], [ 0.0250, 2.2361, -0.1301], [-0.5892, -0.1301, 1.2509]]])
show_as_row(is_posdef(torch.stack([posdef,A])), is_posdef_eigv(torch.stack([posdef,A])), is_symmetric(torch.stack([posdef,A])))
tensor([[ True, True], [False, False]])
(tensor([[ True, True], [False, False]]), tensor([[[ 4.5415e-03, 1.6879e+00, 6.5159e+00], [ 9.9948e-02, 1.5298e+00, 2.2596e+00]], [[-3.1540e+00, 7.2122e-01, 1.9967e+00], [-1.0659e+00, 7.8085e-01, 1.2522e+00]]]))
tensor([[ True, True], [False, False]])
all(), True) test_eq(is_posdef(posdef).
test_close(posdef, constraint.transform(constraint.inverse_transform(posdef)))
0]) symmetric_upto(posdef[
1000, 1000)))[0] is_posdef_eigv(to_posdef(torch.rand(
= True # temporly disable for performance reasons run_fuzzer
def random_posdef(bs=10,n=100,n_range=(0,1), **kwargs):
= torch.rand(bs,n,n, **kwargs) * (n_range[1]-n_range[0]) + n_range[0]
A return PosDef().transform(A)
# fuzzer
def fuzz_posdef(bs=10,n=100,n_range=(0,1), **kwargs):
= random_posdef(bs, n, **kwargs)
posdef return pd.DataFrame(
'n': [n], 'range': str(n_range), 'n_samples': bs,
{'posdef': is_posdef(posdef).sum().item() / bs,
'sym': is_symmetric(posdef).sum().item() / bs,
'posdef_eigv': is_posdef_eigv(posdef)[0].sum().item() / bs
n | range | n_samples | posdef | sym | posdef_eigv | |
0 | 100 | (0, 1) | 10 | 0.9 | 1.0 | 0.6 |
= -1, 1
n_min, n_max = torch.rand(2,100,100) * (n_max-n_min) + n_min A
tensor([False, False])
= torch.tensor([[1., 7],
ma -3, 4]]) [
='cuda') fuzz_posdef(device
n | range | n_samples | posdef | sym | posdef_eigv | |
0 | 100 | (0, 1) | 10 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
# %time fuzz_posdef(bs=100, device='cuda')
= pd.concat([fuzz_posdef(n=n, bs=100, n_range=n_range, device='cuda')
rate_posdef for n in [10, 100]
for n_range in [(-1,1),(0,1)]])
import altair as alt
from altair import datum
n | range | n_samples | posdef | sym | posdef_eigv | |
0 | 10 | (-1, 1) | 100 | 1.00 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
0 | 10 | (0, 1) | 100 | 1.00 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
0 | 100 | (-1, 1) | 100 | 0.98 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
0 | 100 | (0, 1) | 100 | 0.97 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
def _plot_var(df, var, x='n:N', row='range', y_domain=(0,1), height=70, width=50):
= alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(
bar = alt.X('n:N'),
x = alt.Y(var, scale=alt.Scale(domain=y_domain)),
y = 'n:N',
color =height, width=width, )
= alt.Chart(df).mark_text(dy=10, color='white').encode(
text = alt.X('n:N'),
x = alt.Y(var),
y = alt.Text(var, format=".2f")
return (bar + text).facet(
=row).properties(title=var, ) row
def _plot_var_box(df, var, x='n:N', row='range', column='noise:N', height=70, width=50, title=''):
= alt.Chart(df).mark_boxplot().encode(
box = alt.X(x),
x = alt.Y(var),
y = x,
color =height, width=width)
# text = alt.Chart(df).mark_text(dy=10, color='white').encode(
# x = alt.X('n:N'),
# y = alt.Y(var),
# text = alt.Text(var, format=".2f")
# )
return (box).facet(
column=row).properties(title=title) row
from IPython import display
import vl_convert as vlc
from functools import partial
Generation of Random positive definite matrices
def plot_posdef_simulation(n_s, range_s, bs=100, **kwargs):
if not run_fuzzer: return
= pd.concat([fuzz_posdef(n=n, bs=bs, n_range=range, device='cuda', **kwargs)
rate_posdef for n in n_s for range in range_s])
= alt.hconcat(*[_plot_var(rate_posdef, var) for var in ['posdef', 'posdef_eigv']]).to_json()
vl_spec # workaround for bug in vegalite see
= vlc.vegalite_to_svg(vl_spec, vl_version='v5.3')
svg display.display(display.HTML(svg))
= [10, 100], range_s = [(-1, 1)], bs=1000) plot_posdef_simulation(n_s
n range n_samples posdef sym posdef_eigv
0 10 (-1, 1) 1000 1.000 1.0 1.000
0 100 (-1, 1) 1000 0.972 1.0 0.998
Let’s go big by using a matrix 1000x1000
= [1000], range_s = [(10, 20)], bs=100) plot_posdef_simulation(n_s
n range n_samples posdef sym posdef_eigv
0 1000 (10, 20) 100 0.0 1.0 0.0
for a standard noise on the diagonal less than half of the random matrices that are 1000 in size are positive definite.
Let’s have a look at one of such matrices
= random_posdef(100, 1000)
posdef = posdef[torch.argwhere(~is_posdef_eigv(posdef)[0])[0]] not_pd
This should be positive definite but actually it’s not …
tensor([[[4.8334e-01, 5.3647e-01, 5.7627e-01, ..., 4.4425e-01,
3.0689e-01, 2.0315e-01],
[5.3647e-01, 2.2643e+00, 1.1408e+00, ..., 1.1138e+00,
4.2245e-01, 3.3727e-01],
[5.7627e-01, 1.1408e+00, 1.8559e+00, ..., 1.3060e+00,
1.3603e+00, 7.1770e-01],
[4.4425e-01, 1.1138e+00, 1.3060e+00, ..., 3.4489e+02,
2.5251e+02, 2.4902e+02],
[3.0689e-01, 4.2245e-01, 1.3603e+00, ..., 2.5251e+02,
3.3394e+02, 2.4621e+02],
[2.0315e-01, 3.3727e-01, 7.1770e-01, ..., 2.4902e+02,
2.4621e+02, 3.2393e+02]]])
trying with float64
(for memory constraint on the GPU only using a 700x700
= [700], range_s = [(-.1, 1)], bs=100) plot_posdef_simulation(n_s
n range n_samples posdef sym posdef_eigv
0 700 (-0.1, 1) 100 0.0 1.0 0.0
= [700], range_s = [(-.1, 1)], bs=100, dtype=torch.float64) plot_posdef_simulation(n_s
n range n_samples posdef sym posdef_eigv
0 700 (-0.1, 1) 100 0.0 1.0 0.0
All matrices now are positive definite
check is multiplication of matrices is not breaking the positive definite constraint
If \(A\) and \(B\) are both positive definite matrices \(ABA\) is also positive definite
def fuzz_op(op, # operation that takes 2 pos def matrices and return one pos def matrix
= is_posdef,
fn_check =100, # size of matrix
n=1000, # number of multiplications
max_t=1e-5, # noise to add on diagonal
noise=10, # batch size
bs=(0,1), # range of random numbers
= random_posdef(bs, n, noise, n_range, **kwargs)
pd1 = random_posdef(bs, n, noise, n_range,**kwargs)
pd2 = torch.zeros(bs, **kwargs)
for t in torch.arange(max_t):
= op(pd1, pd2)
pd1 = fn_check(pd1)
check == 0, ~check)] = t
stop_times[torch.logical_and(stop_times if not check.any(): break
== 0] = t
stop_times[stop_times return pd.DataFrame(
'n': [n], 'noise': f"{noise:.0e}", 'range': str(n_range), 'n_samples': bs, 'last_t': t.item(),
{'mean_stop': stop_times.mean().item(),
'std_stop': stop_times.std().item(),
'stop_times': [stop_times.cpu().numpy()]})
= partial(fuzz_op, lambda pd1, pd2: pd2 @ pd1 @ pd2)
fuzz_multiply = partial(fuzz_multiply, fn_check = lambda pd1: is_posdef_eigv(pd1)[0]) fuzz_multiply_eigv
def plot_multiply_simulation(n_s, noise_s, max_mult=1000, bs=100, **kwargs):
= pd.concat([fuzz_multiply(n=n, noise=noise, bs=bs, device='cuda', **kwargs)
mult for n in n_s for noise in noise_s]).explode('stop_times')
= pd.concat([fuzz_multiply(n=n, noise=noise, bs=bs, device='cuda', **kwargs)
mult_eigv for n in n_s for noise in noise_s]).explode('stop_times')
= alt.hconcat(*[_plot_var_box(df, 'stop_times') for df in [mult, mult_eigv]]).to_json()
vl_spec # workaround for bug in vegalite see
= vlc.vegalite_to_svg(vl_spec, vl_version='v5.3')
display.display(display.HTML(svg))return (mult, mult_eigv)
=[2,3,10, 100], noise_s=[1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5], bs=100); plot_multiply_simulation(n_s
TypeError: random_posdef() takes from 0 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
check is multiplication of matrices is not breaking the positive definite constraint
If \(A\) and \(B\) are both positive definite matrices \(A+B\) is also positive definite
= random_posdef(10, 100)
pd1 = random_posdef(10, 100) pd2
+ pd2).all() is_posdef(pd1
= partial(fuzz_op, lambda pd1, pd2: pd1 + pd2) fuzz_add
def plot_add_simulation(n_s, noise_s, max_ts=[1000], bs=100, **kwargs):
= pd.concat([fuzz_add(n=n, noise=noise, bs=bs, max_t=max_t, device='cuda', **kwargs)
add for n in n_s for noise in noise_s for max_t in max_ts]).explode('stop_times')
= _plot_var_box(add, var='stop_times', height=150, width=150).to_json()
= vlc.vegalite_to_svg(vl_spec, vl_version='v5.3')
svg display.display(display.HTML(svg))
"add_plot")(lambda: plot_add_simulation(n_s=[50, 100, 150], noise_s=[1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5], bs=100, max_ts=[1e5]))() cache_disk(
Numpy posdef
import numpy as np
= np.random.rand(2,3,3) arr
0,2,1) == np.moveaxis(arr, -1, -2) arr.transpose(
def to_posdef_np(x, noise=1e-5):
return x @ np.moveaxis(x, -1, -2) + (noise * np.eye(x.shape[-1], dtype=arr.dtype))
# fuzzer
def fuzz_posdef_np(n=100, noise=1e-5, bs=10, range=(0,1), dtype=np.float32):
= np.random.rand(bs,n,n).astype(dtype) * (range[1]-range[0]) + range[0]
A = torch.from_numpy(to_posdef_np(A, noise))
posdef return pd.DataFrame(
'n': [n], 'noise': f"{noise:.0e}", 'range': str(range), 'n_samples': bs,
{'posdef': is_posdef(posdef).sum().item() / bs,
'sym': is_symmetric(posdef).sum().item() / bs,
'posdef_eigv': is_posdef_eigv(posdef)[0].sum().item() / bs
=1000, dtype=np.float32) fuzz_posdef_np(n
Checker Positive Definite
This is to help finding matrices that aren’t positive definite and debug the issues. Returns a detailed dataframe row with info about the matrix and optionally logs everything to a global object
CheckPosDef (do_check:bool=False, use_log:bool=True, warning:bool=True)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Type | Default | Details | |
do_check | bool | False | set to True to actually check matrix |
use_log | bool | True | keep internal log |
warning | bool | True | show a warning if a matrix is not pos def |
True).check(A) CheckPosDef(
True).check(A[0]) CheckPosDef(
= CheckPosDef(True)
="my arg") # this will be another col in the log checker.check(A, my_arg
="only once")
checker.check(A) checker.log
= torch.rand(2,3,3) # a batch of matrices B
0] @ A, (B @ A)[0]) # example batched matrix multiplication test_close(B[
Diagonal Positive Definite Contraint
this is a simpler contraint that make the matrix diagonal and positive definite, by forcing it to have positive numbers on the diagonal.
given a vector matrix \(a\) it is transformed into a diagonal positive definite matrix using:
\(A_{diag\ pos\ def} = a^2 I\)
the inverse transformation is the square root of the diagonal
from meteo_imp.utils import *
to_diagposdef (x)
DiagPosDef ()
Diagonal Positive Definite Constraint for PyTorch parameters
3)) DiagPosDef().transform(torch.rand(
2, 3)) DiagPosDef().transform(torch.rand(
= -1.2 * torch.ones(2,3) v
3,3)) to_diagposdef(torch.rand(
= DiagPosDef()
dpd_const = torch.rand(3) a
test_close(a, dpd_const.inverse_transform(dpd_const.transform(a)))
Conditional Predictions
Therefore we need to compute the conditional distribution of a normal 1
\[ X = \left[\begin{array}{c} x \\ o \end{array} \right] \]
\[ p(X) = N\left(\left[ \begin{array}{c} \mu_x \\ \mu_o \end{array} \right], \left[\begin{array}{cc} \Sigma_{xx} & \Sigma_{xo} \\ \Sigma_{ox} & \Sigma_{oo} \end{array} \right]\right)\]
where \(x\) is a vector of variable that need to predicted and \(o\) is a vector of the variables that have been observed
then the conditional distribution is:
\[p(x|o) = N(\mu_x + \Sigma_{xo}\Sigma_{oo}^{-1}(o - \mu_o), \Sigma_{xx} - \Sigma_{xo}\Sigma_{oo}^{-1}\Sigma_{ox})\]
conditional_guassian (μ:torch.Tensor, Σ:torch.Tensor, obs:torch.Tensor, mask:torch.Tensor)
Type | Details | |
μ | Tensor | mean with shape [n_vars] |
Σ | Tensor | cov with shape [n_vars, n_vars] |
obs | Tensor | Observations with shape [n_obs] , where n_obs = sum(idx) |
mask | Tensor | Boolean tensor specifying for each variable is observed (True) or not (False). Shape [n_vars] |
Returns | ListMultiNormal | Distribution conditioned on observations. shape [n_vars - n_obs] |
# example distribution with only 2 variables
= torch.tensor([.5, 1.])
μ = torch.tensor([[1., .5], [.5 ,1.]])
= torch.tensor([True, False]) # second variable is the observed one
= torch.tensor([5.]) # value of second variable
= conditional_guassian(μ, Σ, obs, mask)
# hardcoded values to test that the code is working, see also for alternative implementation
3.25, gauss_cond.mean.item())
test_close(.75, gauss_cond.cov.item()) test_close(
cannot have proper batch support, or at least not in a straigthforward way as the shape of the output would be different for the different batches.
so using a for-loop to temporarly fix the situation
cond_gaussian_batched (dist:__main__.ListMultiNormal, obs, mask)
Type | Details | |
dist | ListMultiNormal | |
obs | this needs to have the same shape of the mask !!! | |
mask | ||
Returns | List | lists of distributions for element in the batch |
reset_seed(= torch.rand(2,3) # batch
mean = to_posdef(torch.rand(2,3,3))
cov = torch.rand(2,3) > .3
mask = torch.rand(2,3) obs
conditional_gaussian_batched(mean, cov, obs, mask)
mask.shape, obs.shape
assert mean.shape == mask.shape
assert mean.dim() == 2
= mean[~mask]
mean_x = mean[mask] mean_o
~mask] cov[
0][~mask[0], ~mask[0]] cov[
0][mask[0],:][:, mask[0]].shape cov[
analysis of the performance of inverting a positive definite matrix
Use cholesky
decomposition and cholesky_solve
to improve performance of matrix inversion
see the Probabilist machine learning course from uni Tübigen, specifically the code from the Gaussian Regression Notebook for details
This is the direct implementation of the equations
def _conditional_guassian_base(
# mean with shape `[n_vars]`
μ: Tensor, # cov with shape `[n_vars, n_vars] `
Σ: Tensor, # Observations with shape `[n_vars]`
obs: Tensor, # Boolean tensor specifying for each variable is observed (True) or not (False). Shape `[n_vars]`
idx: Tensor -> ListNormal: # Distribution conditioned on observations
) = μ[~idx]
μ_x = μ[idx]
= Σ[~idx,:][:, ~idx]
Σ_xx = Σ[~idx,:][:, idx]
Σ_xo = Σ[idx,:][:, ~idx]
Σ_ox = Σ[idx,:][:, idx]
= torch.linalg.inv(Σ_oo)
= μ_x + Σ_xo@Σ_oo_inv@(obs - μ_o)
mean = Σ_xx - Σ_xo@Σ_oo_inv@Σ_ox
return ListNormal(mean, cov)
faster version
= 5
n_var = torch.rand(n_var, dtype=torch.float64)
mean = to_posdef(torch.rand(n_var, n_var, dtype=torch.float64))
cov = MultivariateNormal(mean, cov)
dist = torch.rand(n_var, dtype=torch.float64) > .5
idx = torch.rand(n_var, dtype=torch.float64)[idx] obs
- cholesky_inverse(torch.linalg.cholesky(cov))).max() (torch.linalg.inv(cov)
=1e-2) test_close(torch.linalg.inv(cov), cholesky_inverse(torch.linalg.cholesky(cov)), eps
reset_seed()= to_posdef(torch.rand(1000, 1000, dtype=torch.float64)) + torch.eye(1000) * 1e-3 # noise to ensure is positive definite A
The second version is way faster
test_close(conditional_guassian(mean, cov, obs, idx).mean, _conditional_guassian_base(mean, cov, obs, idx).mean)
= to_posdef(torch.rand(n_var, n_var, dtype=torch.float64)) B
@ torch.inverse(cov) B
torch.cholesky_solve(cholesky(cov), B)
= torch.stack([torch.eye(3)*i for i in range(1,4)]) x
=1, dim2=2) torch.diagonal(x, dim1
cov2std (x)
convert cov of array of covariances to array of stddev